Standards Australia to release coaching guidelines

PM News
May 5, 2011

Standards Australia have called on corporate and industry stakeholders for input into new professional coaching guidelines. The standards body is developing the guidelines to clarify the role for providers and users, due to increased demand for coaching services.

“Coaching forms an essential part of today’s business toolkit and can be used to support succession planning and the development of leadership capability. It’s relevant to the boardroom and c-suite, as well as senior managers who keenly manage performance,” said Colin Blair, CEO of Standards Australia.

The Standards Australia committee that will develop the new set of guidelines involves leading corporations, universities and groups from the human resources, education, psychology and adult learning fields.

Committee Chair Ann Whyte from the Australia Human Recourses Institute said the group hoped to provide guidelines as there is currently no regulations for coaching activities.

“The demand for coaching is growing exponentially but it has been an unregulated activity in need of better standards,” she said. “Purchasers of coaching services want professional coaches. The guidelines enable coaches to plan their professional development in line with these demands and to coach within their areas of expertise.”

While many professional associations had a code of ethics for members, which may include coaches, some coaches operate without a formal link to a code of ethics, added Whyte.

“These guidelines will provide added rigour to this emerging area of professional practice which continues to grow and become more embedded in corporate planning and strategy.”

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