6 tips to improve incident management We do our best to prevent incidents from occurring, but that can’t be our only preparation. Hannah Dickins suggests six ways to improve your incident management process. February 10, 2016 Risk
Checking the risk process The term ‘box-ticking’ is always used in this negative way, as a bad thing to be avoided. But perhaps ticking boxes could be useful if we do it differently for risk, suggests Risk Doctor David Hillson. December 16, 2015 Risk
Are your project decisions based on statistical uncertainty? Statistics drive decisions in every walk of life, including project management, but they give an illusion of certainty where there is none. Pat Weaver explains why we can’t rely on them wholly. December 1, 2015 Risk
The IKEA approach to risk Why can’t managing risk be more like assembling a piece of IKEA furniture? Risk Doctor David Hillson puts forth the case for user-friendly risk processes and procedures. November 5, 2015 Risk
8 questions to process project risks What should a good risk management process cover? Any project manager undertaking a risky or important venture should ask themselves these eight simple questions, advises Risk Doctor David Hillson. August 11, 2015 Risk
Using Six Value Medals to identify risk The Six Value Medals have many potential uses, as we seek to create and protect value, but they may also help us to think about risk in a new way, writes Risk Doctor David Hillson. June 1, 2015 Risk
Kill the risk manager? A risk manager manages risk, of course. But this is both wrong and unhelpful. Everyone should take responsibility for managing their own risks. But does this mean we should kill the risk manager? asks Risk Doctor David Hillson. April 29, 2015 Risk
Best practice risk management for IT projects The challenges of long, complex IT projects are well known yet the concept of risk management is only gradually seeping into organisations’ approach to IT projects. Leanne Ramsay on some of the risk issues in IT projects. April 9, 2015 Risk
Top 5 legal responses to project risks As a project manager, you certainly appreciate the importance of assessing risk carefully. Here’s how a legal professional can help you manage the top 5 riskiest aspects of project management, writes Rolf Howard. March 18, 2015 Risk