Project management lessons from firefighting Many of the tasks in the early stages of a project are spent establishing the chain of command, project procedures, roles and responsibilities and setting up the project for success. PM Oracles applies some lessons from firefighting to this process. May 21, 2014 Knowledge Teamwork
Mindfulness in managing risk Being mindful means bringing your complete attention to your current experience and it can help you to manage risk better. Risk Doctor David Hillson on why and how to practise mindfulness every day. May 19, 2014 Risk
Predicting project completion Working out the probable completion date for a project and understanding the risks associated with achieving a target date have always been difficult. Pat Weaver outlines the challenges of finding effective, realistic and reliable schedules. May 13, 2014 Advanced Time
10 ways to deal with change in an IT service project Building and deploying IT services, particularly to many different stakeholders in a large organisation, can be fraught with planning, service delivery and recruitment of internal supporters. Here are Laith Habib’s 10 tips for successful transitions in an IT service project. April 30, 2014 Managing Stakeholders
Building resilience to change People need to be reminded that they have a lot of experience and strengths with change that they forget about when they are in the heat of change. Elissa Farrow shows how to build a change resilience toolkit. April 28, 2014 Blogs Change
When project risks don’t add up Do project risks add together or discount each other? It depends on the situation, explains Pat Weaver. Probability x severity will only give you one factor. March 18, 2014 Risk
6 ways to take charge as a project manager Many employees work hard at their allotted roles, getting lost in the minutiae of their assigned tasks without getting a real feel for how they are contributing to their projects as a whole. Doreen Brown explains how a project manager can change things. March 10, 2014 Basic Managing
What is a change manager? With practical experience in psychology, communications, education, behaviour science, social science or project management, change managers are a versatile lot. Elissa Farrow discusses what makes a good change manager. March 5, 2014 Blogs Change
Position of the risk manager in the project team So little attention is given to which position the ‘senior risk representative’ occupies within the project team and their role in the decision making process. Dr Robert J Chapman explains why risk managers still need project director support. February 25, 2014 Risk