In pursuit of lifelong learning If we put ourselves in new environments and seek out new experiences in adulthood, our brain undergoes physical changes and that’s why we should pursue lifelong learning, Michelle LaBrosse advocates. June 4, 2015 Blogs
Why project managers should value soft skills The project management community and the wider business community are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of soft skills, but there’s still a way to go, writes Dr Lynda Bourne. June 3, 2015 Skills
The case against multitasking It is true that project management requires us to wear many different hats, but we do not need to continually multitask. PM Oracles puts forth the case against multitasking. June 2, 2015 Managing
Using Six Value Medals to identify risk The Six Value Medals have many potential uses, as we seek to create and protect value, but they may also help us to think about risk in a new way, writes Risk Doctor David Hillson. June 1, 2015 Risk
7 pain points in IT projects (and how to ease them) According to the Standish Group, only 34% of projects in the IT sector are successfully completed. How can we assuage the pain points in IT projects to lift this number? Kanika Sharma lists 7 problems and their solutions. May 28, 2015 Intermediate Managing
Delivering infrastructure more productively Limited public funding and an expanding population have worsened the already sticky problem of how best to deliver infrastructure. Deborah Singerman outlines some new solutions to continuing problems. May 26, 2015 Managing
How a volunteer mindset can transform your project team There are some similarities between good volunteers and valuable project team members. Editor Adeline Teoh conveys what she sees as the best of volunteers to graft into your project team. May 25, 2015 Blogs
How lunch can build social capital in your project team Interpersonal relationships—between co-workers, supervisors, and stakeholders—play a role in every project. Michelle La Brosse explains how the simple act of having lunch together can build valuable social capital. May 21, 2015 Blogs