Architects, engineers and the role of the project manager The success rate of IT projects is lower than in the construction industry. Is this because project managers in that industry are more competent than in IT? Bill Malkin investigates. October 22, 2015 Skills
Stakeholders: from confrontation to engagement Project stakeholders can be helpful, obstructionist and almost anything in between. Dr Lynda Bourne asks: Is your stakeholder management reactive, proactive or collaborative? October 21, 2015 Stakeholders
Manage change, avoid complexity All organisations go through periods of upheaval and change. Critical to a company’s growth and survival is the way change is managed. Here are Ivan Seselj’s tips for embedding change processes. October 20, 2015 Change
How Agile helps deliver innovation It doesn’t matter how many amazing ideas you generate if your organisation is unable to implement them, writes Nat Tanner. Here’s how Agile can support the development of innovation projects. October 14, 2015 Advanced
6 interview questions for new project managers Going for your first job as a project manager? Here are some common questions asked during an interview for a project manager, and some responses to consider, writes Clare Hawkins. October 13, 2015 Professional Development
Why networking is good project management practice There is strength in numbers, and also solidarity and community. A reflection on the value of event-based networking and improving project management practice by editor Adeline Teoh. October 12, 2015 Blogs
Developing leadership for change To succeed in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, we need leadership capabilities and practices, clarity, unity, inclusion, and agility, writes Cynthia Stuckey. October 8, 2015 Leadership
On probability, randomness and risk Patrick Weaver gives a primer on understanding probability to better inform your decisions on risk. This is the first of three articles based on Leonard Mlodinow’s book, The Drunkard’s Walk, on randomness. October 7, 2015 Theory