AIPM and AIM enter partnership

PM News
September 12, 2016

The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) and the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) have entered into a partnership in recognition of the synergy between project management and general management.

The new partnership will see the delivery of a united voice to industry and government on key management and project management topics.

“As a discipline, project management continues to grow in importance for Australia’s managers and leaders, so it’s important we provide appropriate pathways for our members to access the professional development opportunities they need to develop as effective managers,” said David Pich, CEO of AIM.

AIPM CEO Yvonne Butler noted this was a landmark moment for the management and project management professions in Australia.

“We are extremely proud to be working with the Australian Institute of Management, a body whose aims and objectives are so closely aligned with ours particularly around the advancement of excellence in the management, project management and leadership fields,” she said.

“The timing couldn’t be better. By working together, we can strengthen Australia’s approach and delivery in the topical innovation and productivity spaces. We look forward to working with another of the peak industry bodies in Australia and working to share knowledge, advocacy and benefits to both sets of members.”

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