Tendering the design for your project
For the project to proceed at the end of the detailed design stage, with the owner having formally approved the tender readiness report, the next step is to get the project out to tender.
Arrange the design documentation to be issued for tender by executing the key tasks in this stage as follows:
1. Prepare design documentation for tender
The design manager needs to manage the design team in delivering the documents as per the design management plan at the required time in the required hard and soft copy formats to the required locations. All the document transmittals need to be collated and coordinated.
2. Housekeeping
Take the opportunity to catch up with housekeeping of files on the server, in local drives and hard copies. This should include any building information modelling (BIM) related material and files.
3. Tender technical queries and clarifications
The design manager should manage all incoming tender technical queries and clarifications during the tender period and arrange responses from any of the design team where required. S/he should also participate in any tender technical clarification meetings with the contractor as requested by the project manager.
4. Addendums
The design manager should manage any design and documentation requirement for addendums that are due to omissions from the tender either as a result of time constraints or from new owner requirements.
5. Tender evaluation
The design manager needs to manage all required technical tender review and evaluation inputs from the design team to allow the tender to be evaluated from a technical perspective. Where required s/he needs to prepare a technical evaluation report and deliver to the project manager and participate in any negotiation meetings where technical matters require further clarification and arrange appropriate technical inputs from the design team.
6. Manage design consultants
The finalisation of design related fees and any outstanding variations and claims should be undertaken at this time. This is the time to review the design team consultant agreements to confirm the construction phase scope of services and fees. This ensures the scope of services during the construction phase meets the latest project requirements. Rectify any shortfalls in the required scope of services.
The design manager needs to develop the design team project organisation chart for the construction phase services. Identify key personnel, responsibilities, and line of communication. This delineates the design team’s remaining design related services and the site inspection services with the different personnel involved accordingly.
7. Approved for construction documentation
The design manager should oversee the approved for construction (AFC) documentation preparation. This is the time for finalising tender documentation to AFC level prior to contract award. Depending on the program and the project complexity, this may be a significant task to undertake.
Once the tender is awarded then the design manager can then proceed to the next stage of the project lifecycle, the construction stage.