10 ways to assess process performance There are crucial disconnects between our process purpose—what our customers want and what our business needs—and the reports that purport to represent process performance. Robert Lamb provides 10 essential questions you should ask of your project processes. September 4, 2012 Advanced Quality
10 myths about Lean projects Lean and Agile processes are becoming more popular as project management begins to take on board concepts such as reducing rework, reducing waste and focusing on quality. February 6, 2012 Quality
The truth about Gantt charts Henry Gantt is famous for the wrong reasons. He did not invent bar charts that simply show the time work is planned to occur: these were invented more than 100 years before Gantt’s work. January 25, 2012 Quality Time
‘Optioneering’, new procurement method for projects Success on a VicRoads infrastructure project has led to a new method for procurement on construction projects being promoted, which helps find alternative, more appropriate resources. July 26, 2011 News Quality