Benefits management key to portfolio success

PM News
October 25, 2013

Realising and managing benefits at the portfolio level will help organisations identify the levers for success and allow them to run projects that capture opportunities.

Benefits-led portfolio management is the focus of Connexion Systems’ Benefits Realisation Summit for this year, to be held over 30-31 October 2013 in Sydney.

A mix of thought leadership, panel discussion and a comprehensive workshop program, the summit has been designed for project managers and executive level personnel such as portfolio and benefits managers and PMO team members, as well as business case writers, analysts and appraisers and change managers.

Conference producer Matt Williams says the program will allow delegates to “explore the emergence of benefits-led portfolio management as a strategic alternative to traditional management methods” through case studies presented by experienced practitioners in both the public and private sector.

The first day of the summit will consist of a number of workshops which will provide delegates with tools, techniques and advice for identifying, managing and realising benefits through projects.

The second day’s program will commence with a keynote speech by Andrew Constance, NSW Minister for Finance and Services. “The minister will explore how government services can be better delivered, the effectiveness of ICT expenditure and how government can respond effectively to community needs,” said Williams.

Other presentations will feature case studies from organisations such as the Department of Human Services and Queensland Health to Comsuper and PwC, and advice from consulting firms including Totally Optimized Projects and Wildfire Consulting Group.

Download the program or register as a delegate.

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