Implementing risk management in your project Most successful program or project managers are effective because they simultaneously balance the immediate challenges and demands facing them with future needs, opportunities and risk-avoidance. PM Oracles on how you can manage risk and find success through this balance too. June 14, 2012 Intermediate Risk
Keep calm and manage the project How is a project manager like a storm chaser? Some may say both look for trouble but the answer is closer to how they manage themselves and their team when chaos swirls around them. Here’s some advice from PM Oracles for staying calm in the eye of the storm. May 30, 2012 Risk
Expertise, estimations and project risks The use of subject matter experts is commonplace throughout the lifecycle of a project, typically functional experts in their respective roles that the project manager relies on to make delivery estimations and identify potential risks to a project, but what risks do they bring? May 9, 2012 Risk
Project success plans – planning for success Setting up projects to succeed in the view of the customer/stakeholder is a critical part of the project manager’s role. PM Oracles looks at how having a project success plan can assist in upfront communication. April 17, 2012 Communication Knowledge
Should project managers be professionally licensed? The global project management community has debated the merit of professional licensing for project managers. In this article, PM Oracles presents research and perspectives on the subject. April 5, 2012 Advanced Professional Development