Sustainability and the PMO The overlap between sustainability management and PMO functions shows that the two are not mutually exclusive, and merging the two could even prevent offices from being disbanded. October 5, 2011 Project Management Office
Delivering strategy via projects What is the purpose of a project, if not to deliver strategy? A look at projects from strategy alignment to benefits realisation. August 31, 2011 Advanced
Global teams and project tribes Managing or working on international projects can be seen as glamorous and a great addition to your résumé, but how are they different to other projects? An examination of the multicultural aspects of global projects. July 28, 2011 Intermediate Teamwork
Understanding the program management office Is the program management office stuck between portfolios and projects, or the glue that holds everything together? What is the difference between a project and program management office? The answer is in the nature of programs and projects. April 6, 2011 Program Management
Project management education, more than training During a regular catch up, the executive sponsor and the PMO manager were discussing ways to get more improvements in project delivery capability. “I think better education across the company of how projects deliver on strategy will have a significant impact,” said the PMO manager. “Well, we’ve put a lot of your staff through project […] March 17, 2011 Education Knowledge Project Management Office
When project management meets business development The benefits of organisations encouraging synergies between project management and business development. February 10, 2011 Advanced Project Management Office
Applying project history lessons What is the role of the project management office in applying project history lessons? February 10, 2011 Intermediate Lessons Learnt Project Management Office