Is project management an exact science? Project management is about knowing the customer’s objectives, the right deliverables, assembling the right team. But, asks Brian Franklin, what happens when we do not get it exactly right? June 23, 2014 Blogs Risk
Role of the enterprise in driving projects For change to be made effectively and efficiently it needs to be managed effectively and this is good news for project managers, writes Jonathan Whelan. But what role does the enterprise play in the success of these projects? June 18, 2014 Advanced Beyond Projects
Review: Reinventing Communication – Mark Phillips This highly original book looks at two perennial issues faced by projects of all kinds, reviews Lynda Bourne: how to create an environment of high performance for the people working in it and how to manage project complexity. June 17, 2014 Communication Education
The one highly effective habit for project managers The habit editor Adeline Teoh thinks we need to make, as decision-makers and project managers, is the one that stops us before we sign off on decisions in case we’ve submitted to routine thinking. June 16, 2014 Blogs
Why are so many projects set up to fail? Project failure rates have remained steady for at least the last 30 years despite increased knowledge and education about project management. Pat Weaver discusses the pervasive governance problems that lead to a culture of failure. June 12, 2014 Advanced Lessons Learnt
Engaging virtual project teams As workforces become more dispersed and remote, what does it take to manage a virtual project team effectively? Matthew Franceschini looks at the trend towards contract workers and how managers can deal with dispersed project teams. June 11, 2014 Teamwork
Using agile timeboxing for managing tasks How often have you heard someone say they were good at multitasking? Michelle LaBrosse advocates for agile’s timeboxing, the practice of focusing on one project task—without distractions—for a short, pre-defined period of time, as better for productivity. June 10, 2014 Blogs
How project managers should deal with resistance Resistance to the change a project brings is often seen as an obstacle, but could it actually be a way to find alternative paths to success? Adeline Teoh on the lessons we can learn from… Jesus? May 30, 2014 Blogs