
Alliancing benefits and challenges in infrastructure projects

Alliance contracting offers an unprecedented way to create a strong synergy between partners to deliver a project too complex for traditional ‘hard dollar’ procurement and delivery methods. It brings together several organisations including the client, such as a government infrastructure agency or utility; and non-owner participants such as a civil engineering firm and a constructor, as well as technical specialists as required.

March 31, 2011

Cloud computing challenges project management

Cloud computing is a very broad term for the ‘IT systems via the internet’ that hold the application technologies they run by an external party. Subscribers do not own IT infrastructure and are charged typically on the basis of per user per month.

Adopting cloud computing could have significant and potentially disruptive implications for project risk and governance frameworks in enterprise IT projects, given the current relative immaturity of this technology, lack of standards, and inconsistencies in the governance frameworks.

March 30, 2011

Alliancing trends towards Early Contractor Involvement

More than 12 years of alliance contracting in Australasia’s public infrastructure sector has yielded a range of relationship-based models to successfully deliver projects. The Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) contracting methodology in Australia is a unique form of collaborative contracting, inspired by the UK’s Highways Agency. ECI contracting has rapidly gained popularity since Queensland’s Department of […]

March 16, 2011